o'side daddy raisin' younguns in socal

January 10, 2007

first day

Filed under: — crowder @ 5:01 pm

One of my challenges in writing this blog is that in addition to being “daddy”, I also work full-time.  Hopefully not much of that will clutter this area, I’d like the stuff here to be about the boys, their milestones, and my adventures in keeping them alive to reach those milestones (Beth has adventures too — hopefully she’ll blog about them).  So, often, when I report on a day’s activities, it will be from the perspective of their mom, who boldly goes on the vast majority of their week-day outings with them.  At two-and-a-half, as capable as they are, they still need at least a chauffeur (this is a joke, of course — Beth’s many responsibilities and challenges remain well beyond my comprehension).  Hopefully, my weekend reporting will be more detailed.

The first agenda item today, was swimming.  It’s my understanding that swimming occurs on most Monday and Wednesday mornings.  I have gone a couple of times, but since our Y isn’t that close, driving there, changing, swimming, changing again, and driving back can eat up a good chunk of the day, and I have that “work” thing people expect me to do.  Today was the first day in the pool with goggles!  Reid’s been complaining about his eyes being sore (“eye hurt!” — said while jabbing a finger into his eye to make the point) during and after swimming, so the research and development department have kindly provided both agents with state-of-the-art protective eye-wear.

Ollie hates them; we went on a trial diving mission in the bathtub with them last night, and Ollie cried for a healthy portion of the mission — at much risk to the mission’s success, I might add.  Reid seemed pretty cool with his new gear last night, and I’m told today’s live mission essentially mirrored the “dry-run” in the tub.  Ollie hasn’t been complaining about his eyes, though, so Reid will wear goggles and he won’t.  Yay, Reid.  Ollie’s usually pretty well immune to physical and psychological trauma, which makes the torture of the goggles stand out in stark contrast from the usual — timeouts, bashing of foreheads into hard wooden edges, dropping heavy toys on feet, falling from high places, and so on.

After swimming, Beth took the boys to the Wild Animal Park, where they met their friend Ashley (and maybe Isabel, Ashley’s big sister, though I may have been told she was at school today — I’ll have to do better research).  So far, no war-stories have emerged from the afternoon’s outing, but the boys are still recuperating (3-hour nap!  Few generals in history have won greater victories.)  I’ll post more later, if additional rumors or gossip emerge.

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